• Dual wiring??

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    @lolonois Yet another option, thank you. That's why I love this forum, everyone is just so helpful.

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    Hey, @mitu, here is the photo that came up with the USB devices.IMG_2163.jpeg .

    As to P1/P2 controllers, I configured only P1 and that did the trick for both.

    As I'm writing this I realized my mistake and am horribly embarrassed! I just realized that "X" refers to button "X" and not keyboard "X". I reset my controls again to see which is "X" (I think in terms of Buttons A, B, C, etc.), and now I've been able to get into the menu and reconfigure. Problem solved. I really appreciate all the help!

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    @mitu ah, ok. thanks for the speedy reply. Think I'm gonna splice in some extra buttons to player 1's start and select and place them front and center so users can share the exit buttons...

    Appreciate ya help : )

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    I think the thread replies so far are missing the point of the issue...

    Or maybe I am. But I think and @warawara correct me if I am wrong, that you want to have a different button then the select act as the hotkey button.

    That or you do NOT want to select button to add coins.

    I have done both in my builds. I like the coin acceptor for both the retro feel and to help limit play with myself and my kid.

    Not to say it is the best solution but what I have done;
    I wired the coin acceptor as a button and in the retropie I set it to "Left trigger" (as I don't use that in any of my games)
    I then globally configure the emulators I use to use the left trigger instead of select for coin. It addresses 99% of the coin arcade games and there are a few custom deals that you have to work with. Player specific coin slot games are an example such as Simpsons where each player has a coin slot and it determines the character you play. For that I added a toggle switch that lets me "shift" the coin acceptor to the player I want to activate. But like I said, in most cases I'm fine leaving it on player 1.

    Select in this method is just select and a hot key. No coins are added when pressed. This is basically the same solution as @DougA wrote with a few minor changes in what button the coin acceptor is assigned to.

    For the other situation (IE independent hot key);
    I had a small momentary puss button that I added to a build as a button for player 1. So player 1 had 9 buttons; 6 action, start select and this extra button. In the emulation station input configuration I set the extra button as the hot key. I only pressed that extra button when I got to the last entry of setting a hotkey. So instead of pressing select and start to exit you would press what I labeled the FN button and start. The same applies for all the other functions at that point as well. FN + B = reset, FN + X = menu and so on.

    If we are way off base in what we are explaining, you will need to re-explain what you want to happen in your set up.

  • retroarch.cfg

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    @flagrant99 said in retroarch.cfg:

    and yeah STAY AWAY FROM #'s keys.

    Not true. I have SELECT and START for four players all mapped to numbers on a keyboard and this works just fine. These are MAME defaults, after all. However, if you pay attention to the allowed values commented in the default retroarch.cfg file, you see that you have to specify numbers as "num1", "num2", etc. not "1", "2", and so on.

  • Hot key problem

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  • Set the hot key button?

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    It can... but generally speaking using the RetroArch quick menu breaks the process defined in the Retropie wiki for updating configs. Doing this can lead to a lot of confusion and undesired behavior. Basically it will overwrite the existing config file for that emulator and from then on the emulator will not include the ALL config file.

    Again, not such a bad thing if you actually want it to do that... but from then on you can no longer follow any of the wiki instructions for updating the config for that emulator.

    I believe the AutoConfig file also has the hotkey button info in it. Again, you can save autoconfig from RetroArch, and again this will lead to more problems if you don't understand the implications.